Last Night in Paris

On our last night in Paris, we really wanted to find a little quaint dinner spot for an authentic experience, then just stroll the streets of Paris at night.  And that's what we did!

We ended up hearing about this little place, Le Jardin d'en Face, which is a restaurant in the Montmartre area of Paris.  Quaint is was!  I loved the space and atmosphere.  Our food was so terrific, I think we ended up doing 3-4 courses!  And we had a fabulous waitress that was super helpful and really educated us on Parisian dinning.  Lovely little experience.  I recommend going to this little restaurant if you are in town ... just make sure you check about reservations!



Oh, a little in heaven.

Continuing the party outside.

Mango ice cream and brownie.  

The streets at night are intoxicating.

Cool picture.

Chillin' after our superb dinner!

It's our last night here in Paris and I am so sad to go, but the trip across Europe must go on.  So many adventures still await us!

Next, we're hopping on a train and heading to the most beautiful little town, Uzes, France.

Parting Shots of Paris

I'm sad to look back and notice I did not write that much about my adventures in Paris.  I really wanted to be thorough about travel journalling and write all impressions down.  Paper and ink.

But, here's the thing.  Once you are in a new and fascinating place, you don't want to take time away by sitting and writing about what you just experienced, you want to experience more and more and not miss a beat.  It's just too darn exciting and I wanted to take it all in!

BUT, I do have pictures!  LOTS of pictures, as you can tell.

A few parting notes ...  I just found everything so vividly beautiful.  Being an interior designer and artist, Paris was a dream world.  The detail, the beauty of craftsmanship and ornamentation, the history, the entire essence just blew me away.  And I must say, my appreciation for historical architecture grew leaps and bounds.  If you know me, I love modern and clean design paired with the appropriate flair of other styles ... but this place sparked something inside me.  The way they merge styles is unreal.  I'm happy to have had a visit!

Paris, on a sunny spring day.

Beautiful little road.

Lost in a neighborhood.  Paris is the best place to get lost.
So grand, right?

I LOVED those green columns!
Reuse people!
People of Paris.
An afternoon in Paris.

Don't you want to live here?

Definitely a walking city.

Boutiques in Paris.


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