Pictures of Uzes, France, Take Two.

The Roman Aqueduct, 1st century.

The Roman Aqueduct, 1st century.

Oh, glorious day after the rain came!

Gotta love the signage around here.

The Roman Aqueduct, 1st century.

Tiny snails!

Some graffiti art for your viewing pleasure.

Wee little trail.

This makes me happy.

Getting hot around here!

He's always trying to climb things.

Oh yeah.

Walkway back into town.

LOVE the red poppies everywhere.

Pictures of Uzes, France.

More pictures of our hiking journey in Uzes ... good time kids.  We even made friends with the ducks and geese and swans.  They were NOT afraid of people and came right up to you, almost forcefully.  One of the geese actually was running after a toddler, funny yet scary at the same time.

Closed, so, you know, we found a spot in the woods. Such a lady.

Very cool tree bark, right?

Follow this little path!

Uzes, France. 

The River in Uzes

We spent most of the day wondering through the woods and hiking ... we love exploring.  What a FABULOUS place.  I was trying to find the name or if it even had a name of the area.  So, I guess you'd go outside the walls of Uzes and through Le Parc de Duche then cross over L'Alzon River or the Gardon River?  The area is bit confusing, not being from there and all, but I believe the River may have two names?  Read more here.

I'm telling you, this place is magical.

On the map that we were given while in Uzes, it marks this area as "Vallee D'Eure" and this is what it says:

"From the public swimming pool, take the path marked out in yellow.  In the green setting, after you have crossed the river, you will be able to admire the remnants of the Roman Aqueduct, built in the first century after J.C., to supply water to the town of Nimes.  Note the good state of conservation of the water control's tank."


Look how tall the trees are!  Steven there is 6' 4".


Another marker for the trail.  Look close, they are kind of hidden.

Snails creep wild here, everywhere.

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