Art at the Louvre in Paris 5

You know what's cool?  An interactive floor plan for the Louvre.  Check this out here.

Here are some of my favorites from the "Arts of Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas".

Makes you think.

These below are from a different time and place in history, I just couldn't tell you what at this point!

Pieces of ancient pottery.  I see those patterns coming back!

Sleek horse head.

Miniature angels.

This was about the size of Steven's finger nail.  Tiny to be a sculpture!!

Art at the Louvre in Paris 4

One thing I forgot to mention was about the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, which is housed at the Louvre.  Sure, we wanted to see such an iconic painting within the history of art.  But once we approached the wing where it was hanging, we changed our minds due to the following:

  1. It's not all that big.
  2. It's housed behind a wall of glass, then ...
  3. It has a wood platform in front of it, then ...
  4. It has another railing arching in front of it.
  5. So you can't get close for those reasons alone.
  6. Then, there are tons of people in front of it. The rest of the museum was not terribly crowded because everyone was in front of the Mona Lisa!
  7. It's like the paparazzi exploded in there.
  8. And all you could see was arms with cameras flailing around above heads. 

So, maybe we saw only a glance of the Mona Lisa and thats okay!  We saw a ton of beautiful and aspiring art everywhere we turned.

Intricate details on metal.

This painting was absolutely breathtaking. 

A little bit of a close up.  So much going on!

It's pretty amazing when you study a painting in a book or class for so long, then you get to see it in person.

Brilliant colors.  How'd they do that?

I love this installation.

Someone admiring the installation.

Marie Antoinette era.

Art at the Louvre in Paris 3

These girls look like they have a story.

What would you do if these creatures were real??

I thought this statue was fierce. Love it.

Love it.

I wished this shot didn't come out fuzzy, such a masterpiece.

I did get a decent side shot.

Art at the Louvre in Paris 2

Beautiful sculpture everywhere!

Amazing detail.

So lovely.

This was just insanely beautiful.

I almost thought this was a real person.

So mysterious.

This is stone, just so you know.  

Marvelous, right?

Art at the Louvre in Paris

If you know me, you know I'm an artist.  I love art.  I love making it, learning about it, seeing it, talking about it, AND taking pictures of it.  So, here you go ... enjoy these beauties from other eras.

The art on this whole floor was extremely dated way back in history.
So, we were so fascinated being taken back in time.

As you may know, Jesus and Mary were the main theme of the time.

I snapped this especially for my friend Nicole ;)

Beautiful sculpture at the Louvre.

I don't think anyone owned clothes during this era, ha.

Steven's such a greek sculpture.
Much more to come!

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