dreams are not "too big"

I kept dreaming about traveling, amongst other things I often dream about.  And these dreams often feel "too big" or "too out of reach" ... they are always in the basket of "one day".

But as I kept thinking about life and living mine to the fullest, I thought, WAIT, I can make my dreams come true.  It's not "too big", it's just deciding on what's important to you, then prioritizing to make those dreams a reality.

Then, what happens when a dream of yours is actually becoming a reality, is well ... priceless.

So, I shared my thoughts and hopes with Steven (like he didn't already know) and we hammered out the what ifs and hows ... to conclude we were going to make it happen.  We didn't want to wait for "one day"... since you are never promised tomorrow.  We wanted to take advantage of adventure as soon as possible!

Then, bam!  We decided we'd go on an overseas trip to Europe and we were going to make it happen.  This was a little more complicated for us since we run two humble businesses ourselves.  Taking off for any length of time requires some logistics.  BUT, nevertheless, we were going to do it.  Exhilarating!

The trip, starting out small and nice, took on a life of it's own and we planned a month long trip that we will remember forever.  The trip taught me so many things, but it was so symbolic and an important step in my life ... helping me realize to just take hold of what I want.  Don't wait for the "right time" or "later", but CARPE DIEM!  And once I let go of the "fear" and "can't " and "playing it safe", life was so much more fun!

We went on the trip in May of 2011, but just now getting around to sharing it.  Life gets busy.  In the next many posts, I will fill you in our amazing adventures and insights while in Europe, along with tons of pictures!  Who doesn't love pictures?

Here I go ...  All it takes is putting one foot in front of the other.

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