London, Journal Entry No. 4

So, from the full day at the market ... we decided to walk around a bit instead of taking the tube back towards our hotel's neighborhood.

Steven was "captain" of directions on our journeys because he is usually amazing at getting us anywhere.

About to get us lost on a night adventure.

Well, talk about me getting testy.

This guy, my wonderful husband, loses us in the city for hours, going into the night and in uncomfortable shoes.  At first, it was grand fun seeing new areas, getting lost was an adventure!  But after awhile, I was dying to go to restroom, was hungry, and my feet were killing me.  We were in a residential neighborhood, not many people around, no stores, no food or anything.  Lost in London.  We twist and turn through roads on foot, I get steamier.  At this point, I don't even want to talk to Steven because he's doing some "man things" ... avoiding asking for directions, yet to admit that we are lost and have been lost, amongst other irritating things men are so good at yet fail to ever admit.  You sense the steam still ?  Then, it started to rain.  Luckily, we did have our umbrella!

House boats along the walk.

Sun is starting to go down around the water.

We found an animal wanting to hang with us.

This area and time of night reminded me of Monet. 

Loved the sun setting and the blues coming out. 

This area and time of night reminded me of Monet. 

Lost and walking around.

This area and time of night reminded me of Monet. 

So, we are lost forever when, finally, we find a tube station and hop on towards our hotel to find dinner.  We end up in another part of town and continue to walk around.

Ended up around the Eye and Big Ben, in the rain.

Big Ben in the moonlight.

Note is around 10 pm or so by now and Steven thinks this is a "fine time" for dinner.  Note:  I'm utterly starving by now and about to eat his arm or something.  BUT, no place is serving dinner, every last place we go to says we are "too late" and is now only serving alcohol ... and it was Saturday night.  I think we ended up having some bagged chips or something that night from our hotel room.  Some advice, keep extra snacks around in case you cannot find food out and about when you want to.

But, shoot, such an awesome day.

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